
Visits to fur factories.
Specialists of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC have visited fur factories in order to present new chemicals for the fur industry and advise on their use....
Finishing shoe and leather goods articles using chemicals of Sichuan Dowell (China).
At two tanneries, trials have been carried out in parallel on the finishing of shoe and leather goods ar-ticles. The following articles were tested: "Full grain nappa" and "Corrected grain nappa" in different colours, "Wax article with Pull-up effect", "Leather goods article with "Two-shade finishing", article "Seamo" on a design roll with the use of DOWELL chemicals (China)....


Technological trials of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC of an agent for degreasing the hair of fur skins "Vega SO".
The specialists of the company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia) have carried out trials of the product "Vega SO" developed for degreasing hair in the processes of washing fur skins in experimental conditions of the factory. This chemical is used to reduce the residual fat in the hair. The test result is positive.....
Video conferences on the Microsoft Teams platform with representatives of the company Pielcolor, S.L.U. (Spain) and technicians of tanneries.
In the second half of June 2021, specialists of the company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC(Russia) held video conferences on the Microsoft Teams platform with representatives of the com-pany Pielcolor, S.L.U. (Spain) and technicians of tanneries. The following tasks were solved during the videoconference: 1. Presentations of the new trend book "Fashion trends. Autumn - Winter 2022-2023” were held. Comments were made on the articles offered in the trend book. 2. Presentations of new chemicals developed by the company PielCcolor, S.L.U. (Spain) were held. 3. The analysis and discussion of topical issues and tasks on finishing was carried out. 4. Consultations were held for the technicians on the use of products of the company Piel-color, S.L.U. (Spain) in production of manufactured articles.....
Technological trials of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC on testing in production the recipe of yuft.
The company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia) has carried out production trials of the recipe of yuft. A positive result was obtained; the crust met the customer's requirements for elastic-ity and thickness. The final evaluation of the article will be made after the finishing processes.....
Technological trials of Shebekinskaya industrial khimiya, LLC of the recipe No. 1 from the catalogue "Autumn-Winter 2022/2023" of the company Pielcolor, S.L.U., Spain.
Specialists of the company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia) have tried the recipe No. 1 from the catalogue "Autumn-Winter 2022/2023" of the company Pielcolor, S.L.U. (Spain). The result was evaluated positively, the article was sent to the client for receiving a conclusion. A new material AA 4333 - a wax emulsion to create a polishing effect – was used in the recipe. An order is planned for conducting extended trials of this product.....
Working out the recipe of the article "Floater" for full and corrected grain leather.
The company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia) has worked out the recipe of the ar-ticle "Floater" for full and corrected grain leather. In the dyeing-fatliquoring processes of the article, new fat liquor "SMH-600" was used, which is specially developed for the production of all types of light articles. The fat liquor "SMH-600" is evenly distributed both over the area and over the thickness of hides, giving deep softness to crusts. The finishing of the resulting article is made using the chemicals of the company Pielcolor, S.L.U. (Spain): • АА 4623 — covering preground for leveling grain and sealing defects; • АА 4649 — very soft polished covering preground; • АА 4750 — soft, well-filling wax emulsion; • RE 2008 — acrylic polymer with good adhesion properties on full grain leather; • ML 2806 — soft compound with natural touch; • LA 6113 — matt colourless lacquer emulsion that gives natural appearance and touch to leather; • LA 6020 — shiny nitrolacquer emulsion. The finished article was evaluated positively – good emboss, leather tightness and at the same time its elasticity, deep black colour and pleasant touch were noted.....
Technological trials of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC in Kazakhstan.
In Kazakhstan the recipe for obtaining wet-blue from calf and bovine hides for the Chinese market was tested using the chemicals of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia): "SN-OV", "SN-22S", "Vega RLT", "Vega E-93", "Fermentol 23", and also the product "Basificante MG" of the company Cromogenia-Units, S.A. (Spain). The touch of the wet-blue is approved by customers. Several produc-tion batches were tested. The wet-blue will be sent to the client to receive a conclusion and an as-sessment of the finished article from this wet-blue.....
Working out the recipe of leather with increased thicknesses for work shoes with emboss.
The company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia) carried out work with a new client to develop a recipe of leather with increased thicknesses for work shoes with emboss. During the trials the chemicals of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC were used for dyeing-fatliquoring pro-cesses: "SMH 473", "Ekomin-5", "Mimosa A", "Ekodisp", "SN-22S", "Evrosintan RSN-40". The article was shown to customers and received a satisfactory review. The client plans to purchase chemicals and conduct extended trials of the recipe.....
Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC at the celebration of the professional holiday - "Chemist
The celebration of the professional holiday "Chemist's Day" on the last Sunday of May is an annual tra-dition of the team of the company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC. This day is always cel-ebrated brightly and cheerfully. The holiday is traditionally held in nature - at a tourist recreation cen-ter a few kilometers from the town of Shebekino. The program of the holiday "Chemist's Day 2021" in-cluded: an official part with awarding employees based on the results of work for the current year and special achievements in work, as well as a sports holiday with competitions and passing the stand-ards of “Ready for work and defense”: fun competitions, tug of war and other sports competitions in which everyone could take an active part.....
Technological trials of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC of a new product "Bazamin".
Specialists of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia) have tested a new product "Baza-min". The trials were carried out on bovine hides, weighing 17/26 kg; 26+ kg. The trials were successful. The obtained wet-blue was evaluated positively by the managers of the tannery.....
Technological trials of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC to improve the recipe of the article "Floater".
The company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia) continued work on improving the recipe of the article "Floater" with substitution of the import products on the fat liquor "SMH-600" pro-duced by Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia). When using the fat liquor "SMH-600", it was noted: good exhaustion of the fat liquor and low foaming during the processes. When milling the article after embossing good grain after milling and good touch were noted. Finishing of the article "Floater" was carried out with the chemicals of the company Pielcolor, S.L.U. (Spain). The simplicity of the recipe, “light” film and good touch of the obtained article were noted. In the nearest future it is planned to conduct extended trials using this recipe.....

309290, Shebekino town, Belgorod region, Rzhevskoye shosse str., 16, Floor 3,
tel.: +7(47248)3-18-10