

Testing a soaking-liming-tanning recipe with the use of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC chemicals.
The trials of the a soaking-liming-tanning recipe were carried out using chemicals from Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC: SN-OV, SN-SPK, Vega PS, Vega RLE. The result of the work was positively assessed. Orders of the chemicals and their delivery are planned....
Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC at the international exhibition-forum "BIOT2024", Moscow.
Today is the last day of the 28th International Exhibition and Forum "Occupational Safety and Health—2024" (BIOT). The event is taking place at the Crocus Expo Central Exhibition Complex from December 10 to December 13, 2024 and is the most important event for everyone working in the field of occupational safety. This year, the forum brought together representatives from 13 countries (Russia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, India, Pakistan, China, France, Italy, Belgium, Denmark), 80+regions of the Russian Federation and the most representative participants from senior officials, professional and public unions, heads of leading manufacturers, suppliers and distributors of personal protective equipment, companies specializing in occupational safety, industrial safety, occupational medicine, domestic and foreign experts, and journalists....

History of the company and сollaboration

Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya Limited Liability Company was formed on base of the All-Union Scientific-and-Research Institution for Surfactants, town Shebekino, region Belgorod. The company has successfully worked in the market since1991. The main activity branch of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC is focused on developing, manufacture and sales of chemical products for leather/footwear and fur industry as well as for a complex of dry-cleaners.

An objective evaluation of any technology and chemical materials is very simple nowadays–it consists in consumers’ demand for these technology and materials. The works specializes in the production of more than 100 products which are in demand in the market. Current Russian market situation makes possible for Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC to implement actively its program to substitute imported European chemical preparations with own products forleather/footwear and fur industry complex of Russia and CIS-countries.

The geography of activities of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, is spread in all the regions of Russia and CIS countries. Since 2001 the company is in anactive collaboration with Spanish companies – Pielcolor and Cromogenia-Units, and is now their official representative, inclusive selling their chemical preparations for different leather production stages, starting from soaking of raw hides up to finishing the leathers. InseverallastyearstheSHIKH, LLC actively collaborates with Indian suppliers, shippers from the SAR and Asian companies. Permanent participation in annual federal fairs, visits international exhibitions in Honkong, Bologna, Chennai, Shanghai, Istanbul, regional fairs in Minsk, Аlmaty, Таshkent, production training at foreign companies, favour the enhancement of the level of developments and technical assistance at implementing/processing materials of the SHIKH, LLC or those of the companies "Pielcolor" and "Cromogenia-Units".

We hope that serious scientific approaches in solving problems, assertiveness, optimism, close collaboration with Russian tanneries and shoe factories, understanding the customers’ desires will provide our onward progress, together with you, dear friends!

309290, Shebekino town, Belgorod region, Rzhevskoye shosse str., 16, Floor 3,
tel.: +7(47248)3-18-10