
Visits to fur factories.
Specialists of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC have visited fur factories in order to present new chemicals for the fur industry and advise on their use....
Finishing shoe and leather goods articles using chemicals of Sichuan Dowell (China).
At two tanneries, trials have been carried out in parallel on the finishing of shoe and leather goods ar-ticles. The following articles were tested: "Full grain nappa" and "Corrected grain nappa" in different colours, "Wax article with Pull-up effect", "Leather goods article with "Two-shade finishing", article "Seamo" on a design roll with the use of DOWELL chemicals (China)....


Technological trials of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC on working out the wet-blue recipe using chemicals of the companies Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia) and Cromogenia-Units S.A. (Spain).
The company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia) with a positive result has tested the recipe of wet-blue production using chemicals from the company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia) and the company Cromogenia-Units S.A. (Spain). The final conclusions will be made after the evaluation of the obtained wet-blue.....
Technological trials of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC on finishing articles of full and cor-rected grain nappa on the crust “Nappa K” from calf and bovine hides.
At the end of March 2021 specialists of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia) finished the articles of full and corrected grain nappa on the crust “Nappa K" from calf and bovine hides. These articles were shown to shoe makers and received a positive review. Samples of these articles are left for making shoes. Also the specialists of shoe companies were interested in the articles of finishing of double-face from sheepskin using the chemicals of the company PIELCOLOR, S.L.U. (Spain). In the nearest future it is planned to conduct extended trials of these finishes.....
Technological trials of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC on working out the crust recipe “Nappa K” from calf and bovine hides, the recipe of floater from Cromogenia-Units S.A. (Spain).
In the conditions of the experimental workshop at several tanneries the specialists of the company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia) have conducted technological trials of the crust recipe “Nappa K” from calf and bovine hides. Technicians of the tanneries noted quite tight crust grain and absence of looseness. The final result will be made after milling in a drum and finishing. We also worked out the recipe of the article "Floater" from the company Cromogenia-Units S.A. (Spain). The specialists of the tanneries noted good fullness and elasticity of the crust. The final result will be obtained after finishing.....
Technological visit of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC to the felting production for making felt boots.
Specialists of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia) carried out a technological visit to the felting production for making felt boots. During the negotiations the recipe of dyeing felt was demonstrated and provided, as well as recommendations for washing fine wool were given.....
Development of strategic partnership and cooperation with the East Siberian State University of Tech-nology and Management (VSGUTU), Ulan-Ude.
The role of high-tech technologies and the human factor as the leading resource of forward move-ment in the development of the economy is indisputable. The company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC, being one of the modern and dynamically developing enterprises of the Belgorod re-gion, carries out strategic partnership and long-term cooperation with leading universities in Russia.....
Technological trials of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC in the textile industry.
Within the framework of technological visits to textile industry enterprises, the specialists of the com-pany Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC in the process of familiarization with textile produc-tion, offered colour options for textile items and a list of chemicals. During technological trials with the use of the dyeing leveler SN-US and the conditioner SN-TM, the knitting density was worked out, a uni-form colour in textiles and pleasant touch of items were achieved. Extended trials are planned for the nearest future.....
Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia) on the exhibition “Mosshoes 2021”, Moscow.
On March 16-19, 2021 the 84th International Specialized Exhibition of Footwear, Bags, Accessories, Leather and Components - "MOSSHOES 2021" - was held in Moscow at the “Gostiny Dvor” Exhibition Centre. About fifty exhibitors from the Customs Union countries, China, Italy, Turkey, Uzbekistan, etc. took part in the exhibition, and over 8,500 visitors visited the exhibition. As one of the largest B2B exhibitions in the light industry market in Russia, Mosshoes serves as a kind of indicator of the current state of the market in this industry and the prospects for its development. Ex-press information about current footwear and leather goods trends in various price segments, ob-tained at the exhibition, is important for all market participants. The business program of the 84th ex-hibition "MOSSHOES 2021" within the framework of the Leather and Footwear Business Forum held for the first time, covered the most relevant topics, with speakers from leading market experts and touched upon topical issues of legislative initiatives in the industry, effective tools for working in retail for small and medium-sized businesses, as well as master classes of various directions.....
Technological trials of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC on testing the fur dye ACID BLACK on the article of fur lining.
Specialists of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia) has tested the fur dye ACID BLACK on the article of fur lining. Satisfactory results on resistance to rubbing were obtained. It is planned to order the dyestuff for extended trials.....
Technological trials of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC on finishing the article full and cor-rected grain nappa on crust “Nappa K”.
In March 2021 the company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia) completed the finish-ing of the article full and corrected grain nappa on crust “Nappa K". The article's dye-fatliquoring pro-cesses were carried out using chemicals of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia). The fin-ishing is made using chemicals of the company Pielcolor, S.L.U. (Spain). The obtained articles will be shown to the partners at the exhibition "Mosshoes". At the moment orders for production of industrial batches of articles have been received.....
Technological trials of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC on working out the recipes of aniline and semi-aniline articles of harness and belt leathers with chemicals of the company Pielcolor (Spain).
The company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia) has worked out the recipes of ani-line and semi-aniline articles of harness and belt leathers with a positive result. The following chemicals of the company Pielcolor (Spain) were used in the recipes: - АТ 0300 — composition of fatty polymers, which helps to get "clean" aniline finishes, uniform gloss over the entire area of crust, and a light pull-up effect; - WA 0423 — wax emulsion that gives to the leather a waxy feel and a combined effect of lightening when flexed, darkening and shining when rubbed; - АТ 0390 — oily polymer that gives greasy feel and a moderate "oil pull-up" effect»; - ML 2806 — compound with very natural appearance and waxy touch; - АА 4322 — wax emulsion for aniline and polished articles; - UR 1786 — soft shiny urethane top agent for fixing coating on leather with good rub fastness; - UR 1693 — mat urethane top agent with very natural look and feel. The articles will be shown to customers to get feedback.....

309290, Shebekino town, Belgorod region, Rzhevskoye shosse str., 16, Floor 3,
tel.: +7(47248)3-18-10