Technological visits of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC to fur factories.
The specialists of the company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC held working meetings and negotiations at fur factories and analyzed the results of early technological trials on the products supplied to the factories:
• «SN-MSO» — conditioner for silicone finishing in the ironing process; the product was used in the final drumming of long-tailed furs. The result is positive;....
Trials of the conditioning agent "TK-Sh-6".
The textile factory has tested the conditioning agent TK-Sh-6, a product developed by Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC and intended for wool, cotton, linen, synthetic fabrics and yarn. The test result is positive; the threads are white, good wettability. Extended trials of this product are being conducted.....
Working out the article "Floater".
In the conditions of the experimental shop of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC the article "Floater" was worked out for the market using chemicals of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC: "Evrosintan ED"; "Evrosintan D"; "Ekomin N" and fat liquors: "SMH -6"; "SMH-E"; "SMH-F1". The resulting article has the following quality: clear grain after milling and good filling over the entire area of the crust. Evaluation of the crusts will be carried out at the client after finishing.....
Business mission Tashkent 12-13.10.2022.
Economic relations between Russia and Uzbekistan are developing rapidly, tenders for public procurement are held on a regular basis, and more than 80 platform parks have been created for doing business in various areas. The textile sector is considered to be the largest sector of light industry in Uzbekistan. The company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC, being a manufacturer of a wide range of chemicals for textile production and for factories specializing in primary processing of wool, develops active cooperation with the factories of Uzbekistan in these areas. During the period of 12-13.10.2022, the specialists of the company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC held a number of meetings and negotiations with the heads of the factories of Uzbekistan specializing in cotton processing, production and dyeing of cotton fabrics, production of knitted fabrics and sewing of knitted products, with the heads of the factories for the primary processing of wool, as well as with Deputy Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Uzbekistan (Ministry of Industry and Trade) I. I. Kamynin. The negotiations were successful, after substantive discussions with each of the partners, a program of technological trials and promotion of products of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC for the nearest future was drawn up, the dates of technological visits for 2022-23 were determined.....
The 13th International Exhibition and Fair of Leather, Footwear, Leather Goods, Fur and Wool "UzCharmExpo – 2022", Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Congratulations on the 90th anniversary of the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry.
The Association "Uzcharmsanoat" with the assistance of the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan (MIFT) organized and held the 13th International Exhibition-Fair of Leather, Footwear, Leather Goods, Fur and Wool "UzCharmExpo - 2022" from October 12 to 14, 2022 at the National Exhibition Center "Uzexpocenter". The “UzCharmExpo” exhibition, held twice a year – in spring and autumn, has become an effective and the largest specialized platform in Central Asia for establishing mutually beneficial cooperation, establishing cooperative ties in the leather and shoe and fur industry.....
Trials of the fur lining recipe.
At the fur factory, work was carried out on testing the fur lining recipe using chemicals from the company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC. During the soaking and degreasing processes, the following products were used: "SN-Sh1", "SN-22Sh", "Fermentol 23", "Vega SO". As a result of the use of the products "SN-Sh1" and "SN-22Sh", savings of 20% were achieved compared to the use of similar chemicals from another company. The use of the product "Fermentol 23" provided excellent watering, cleanliness of the hair and effective fleshing. The use of the product "Vega SO" in final drumming of fur sheepskin for the purpose of cleaning the hairline, guaranteed a positive result. In the nearest future, it is planned to order the chemicals for production use.....
Trials of a series of fat liquors for the production of hydrophobic and water-repellent crust.
The company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC continues trials a series of fat liquors for the production of hydrophobic and water-repellent crust: "SMH-VR", "SMH-GF-1", "SMH-GF-2", "and SMH-GF-3". The first positive results of the test for the water permeability of the crust under dynamic conditions on the chemicals "SMH-VR" and "SMH-GF-3" were obtained. At the moment, extended trials of these products are continuing at tanneries and in the experimental workshop of the company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC.....
Trials of a series of products from the new line of syntans for white skins: "Evrosintan BF".
Specialists of the company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC have started testing a series of products from a new line of syntans for white skins - "Evrosintan BF". Evrosintan BF is a soft white phenolic leather tanning agent with a strong filling effect and a bleaching effect. It has been used in the recipe of pig lining split. The article was evaluated positively, the plant made an order for extended technological trials of this product.....
Working out the recipe of the article "Floater" using a new fat liquor "SMH-F1”.
The recipe of the article "Floater" was tested using a new fat liquor "SMH-F1" - a special fat liquor for soft leathers. A preliminary positive result was obtained. Specialists noted tight grain after long milling, a clear pattern of the grain after milling. It is planned to show the article to the customer for feedback.....
Technological trials of new imported fat liquors for fur articles.
The company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC has conducted technological trials based on new proposals for imported fat liquors for fur articles. The trial result is positive — the hair is clean, the touch of the skins is soft. Extended trials of these chemicals are planned at other fur factories.....