
Visits to fur factories.
Specialists of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC have visited fur factories in order to present new chemicals for the fur industry and advise on their use....
Finishing shoe and leather goods articles using chemicals of Sichuan Dowell (China).
At two tanneries, trials have been carried out in parallel on the finishing of shoe and leather goods ar-ticles. The following articles were tested: "Full grain nappa" and "Corrected grain nappa" in different colours, "Wax article with Pull-up effect", "Leather goods article with "Two-shade finishing", article "Seamo" on a design roll with the use of DOWELL chemicals (China)....


Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC on the annual conference “Time to export”.
The annual conference “Time to export” took place in the conference hall “Mercury” of the congress hall “RiveraSpace” in village Razumnoye, Belgorod region on September 30, 2020. The conference was organized by the Department of economic development of Belgorod region together with the Export Support Center. During the conference, representatives of government agencies, development institutions, business and industry associations, as well as business representatives met on one platform. The specialists of Shebekinskaya Industrialnaya khimiya, LLC took an active part in the conference. Financial and guarantee methods of export support, specifics of working with China, methods of product promotion on electronic trading platforms, and other topical issues were discussed in detail on the conference. The main blocks of the conference were: 1. Plenary session "Current tools for export support and development. Export in a pandemic" with representatives of federal and regional authorities and development institutions. S.A.Maylatov – head of “REC” devision in Belgorod - was a moderator. 2. Practical block: o master-class on financial and guarantee support for exports;....
Technological trials of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC on testing pigment concentrate with-out casein PC 2005.
In September 2020, the company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC conducted a series of tests at several tanneries to test the pigment concentrate without casein PC 2005. The product was used in finishing split, safety shoes leather and floater. Tanneries technicians noted a good saturation of the black colour of the leather coating. The product was ordered by the tanneries for extended tri-als.....
Technological trials of Shebekinskaya indistrialnaya khimiya, LLC on testing soaking-liming-tanning rec-ipe.
Specialists have worked out the soaking-liming-tanning recipe on calf raw hide, weight 17-21 kg with the use of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC products: soaking accelerator SN-ON, agent for preventing liming wrinkles Vega RLT. The test result is positive.....
Technological trials of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC of the universal agent for soaking – “Fermentol 23”.
A universal agent for soaking "Fermentol 23" has been tested in production in the soaking process. The product provides an excellent quality of soaking with uniform watering along the thickness of the hide, is a good dispersant of fats and dirt, and splits fiber-to-fiber proteins. The product was tested on a batch of heavy bovine hides with 35+ kg weight. The consumption of the product "Fermentol 23" in the recipe was 1 %. The rate of water content meets the standard. When evaluating the pelt quality, there was no difference between the production and experimental batches. The final conclusion about tri-als results will be made after finishing the article.....
Technological trials of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC on testing recipes of shoe articles with the use of Pielcolor chemicals.
At one of the tanneries technological trials were carried out by Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC to work out recipes of shoe articles using Pielcolor finishing chemicals. During the trials the shoe ar-ticles were obtained using a design roll, as well as articles with a frost-resistant finish of shoe corrected grain leather using the products ML 2803, UR 1786. The articles are sent to the client for the conclusion.....
Technological trials of Shebeinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC on testing fur sheepskin recipes.
In September 2020, the company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC held trials of a fur sheepskin recipe of fur sheepskin at a fur factory with a positive result. Quality characteristics of the obtained article meet the requirements. The articles received a positive assessment from the technicians of the factory. The following products were used in the recipe: - in degreasing: SN-MB; SN-Sh1R; SN-Sh8R - in tanning: SMH-470V  + SMH-М3....
Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia) at the exhibition «MOSSHOES 2020», Moscow.
On September 8-11, 2020, the specialized international exhibition of shoes and accessories "MOSSHOES 2020" was held in Moscow at the Crocus Expo international exhibition center. For the company's partners, specialists of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia) at their own booth have presented: new range of chemicals-2020 for leather and fur production, the latest developments in recipes of actual articles, fashion trends in the finishing of fur, leather and DOUBLE FACE, which have successfully passed preliminary tests at tanneries and fur factories. Among them are: -«Fermentol 23» — universal enzyme agent for soaking; -«SMH-5» — fat liquor for taw leather;....
Technological visits of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC.
The specialists of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya (Russia) in the first half of September, a planned presentation visit was made to a fur factory that specializes in the production of garment and footwear fur lining, as well as corrected sheepskin for the purpose of sewing caps under the gov-ernment order program. During the working meeting and cooperation with partners, presentations of special materials and recipes were made, stages and a plan for conducting technological trials with chemicals of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC were developed for their further implementa-tion and use in the fur production.....
Technological trials of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC on testing wet-blue recipes.
The company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC has conducted successful technological tri-als to test the recipe of wet-blue production based on products of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya production. The trials were successful, the obtained wet-blue was evaluated positively, and shoe articles were produced from it, which were passed to shoe-makers for the final assessment.....
Technological trials of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC on testing cow lining recipes in black and beige colours.
At the beginning of September 2020, the company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC con-ducted with a positive result the development of a dying-fatliquoring recipe in the production of beige and black lining from cow hides. In the production of the black lining, the recipe used a fat liq-uor SMH-480, which was evenly distributed both over the area and thickness of the leather thus given it soft and pleasant touch. In the production of the beige lining, the following fat liquors were used: SMH-470 white, SMH-470 lux and SMH-473. The obtained articles were assessed positively.....

309290, Shebekino town, Belgorod region, Rzhevskoye shosse str., 16, Floor 3,
tel.: +7(47248)3-18-10