
The 16th International Exhibition "UzLeatherGoodsExpo-EURASIA2024", Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
On May 21, 2024, the opening of the 16th International Exhibition “UzLeatherGoodsExpo-EURASIA2024” took place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. This specialized exhibition is considered one of the largest exhibitions in Central Asia in the field of leather, footwear and fur industry, which not only introduces the production potential of all regions of Uzbekistan, but also represents an effective dialogue platform for B2B and G2B negotiations and for industry specialists from different countries: Russia, Belarus, Italy, Germany, India, Turkey, Spain, Iran, etc., providing an opportunity to get acquainted with the potential of companies, the range of products and innovations in the industry....
Training of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC technicians and a technician of the Byelorussian tannery in the company Sichuan Dowell, China.
In April 2024, a training was held for Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC technicians and a technician of the Byelorussian tannery at Sichuan Dowell, China.During the training, issues and tasks on chemicals for dyeing-fatliquoring processes were discussed; adjustments were made to the crust recipes to obtain the necessary requirements for the article. During the training, new products were studied for finishing the “Pull-up” article, the article for polishing in shoes....


Working negotiations with the management of the company “Belwest”, Belarus.
A specialist of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC held working negotiations with the management of the company “Belwest” (Belarus), within the framework of which an agreement was reached to conduct a technological visit to “Belwest” to test chemicals of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC.....
Technological visit to MPKO, Belarus.
During the visit of the specialist of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC to MPKO (Belarus), a meeting was held with the chief technician of MPKO, D. N. Meleshenko. Within the framework of the meeting, crusts and finished leathers were demonstrated, which received a positive assessment and programs were agreed with the dates of testing the articles for January 2024.....
Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC at the artistic and technical council of "MPKO", Belarus.
Representatives of the majority of Belarusian enterprises producing shoes, leather goods, and furniture have attended the Artistic and Technical Council (ATC) at MPKO: Belvest, Galantea, Marko, Pinsk-drev, Iskvar-Optium, VMK, etc., delegation from the concern “Bellegprom”.....
Technological visit of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC to test the recipe of the article "Garment Nappa" using DOWELL chemicals.
The company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC has tested the recipe of the article "Garment Nappa" on cattle and sheep crusts using DOWELL chemicals.....
27th International Specialized Exhibition and Forum "Occupational Safety and Health" (BIOT-2023), Moscow, Russia.
The 27th International Specialized Exhibition and Forum "Occupational Safety and Health" (BIOT-2023) was held on December 5-8, 2023 in Moscow, at Expocentre Fairgrounds on Krasnaya Presnya, bringing together more than 330 companies from 80 regions of Russia, representing all sectors of the Russian Federation economies and partners from 10 countries of the world. The business program of the exhibition included a media forum, conferences, panel discussions, discussion seminars, master classes, presentations, business dialogues, as well as a "Safety Tree" show. Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC, a permanent annual active participant of the BIOT exhibition, presented its chemicals of the 2023-24 season for the leather and fur industries of the full cycle of processing from raw hides to the finished product, as well as for the textile industry and raw wool processing factories at its booth, prepared with the support of the Russian Export Center.....
Technological visit of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC on testing dyeing-fatliquoring recipes.
In the first decade of December 2023, specialists of the company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC conducted a technological visit to test dyeing-fatliquoring recipes: crusts, articles "Nappa" and "Floater".....
Visits to fur factories and wool treatment plants.
Visits were carried out at several fur factories and wool treatment plants. Within the framework of working meetings and negotiations, consultations were held on the use of chemicals from Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC, orders were received for samples of chemicals for extended trials for the article "Fur Lining", samples of fur skins were presented using fat liquors "SMH-11" and "SMH-12", articles "Double Face" and "CRACK", using chemicals from the company Dowell. Plans for cooperation and terms of technological visits for 2024 have been fixed.....
Technological trials of shoe articles.
The tannery has tested shoe articles according to the recipe 1.51 using a combination of mimosas for the article "Full Grain Nappa", "Corrected Grain Nappa with milling", according to the recipe 1.40.2 for the article "Shoe Crust" using chemicals from Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC, according to the recipe for the article "Shoe Floater” using chemicals of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC.....
Technological trials of Dowell chemicals.
Technological trials of Dowell chemicals were carried out at a tannery. The following articles were made in the experimental shop:....
Technological visit with DOWELL specialists.
A joint technological visit with DOWELL specialists took place at one of the tanneries. A presentation was made to the tannery's managers and technicians, within the framework of which the following were presented: Sichuan Dowell Company, its production that meets international standards and international environmental requirements, its achievements in the market, as well as a range of chemicals for both finishing and wet processes.....

309290, Shebekino town, Belgorod region, Rzhevskoye shosse str., 16, Floor 3,
tel.: +7(47248)3-18-10