
Visits to fur factories.
Specialists of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC have visited fur factories in order to present new chemicals for the fur industry and advise on their use....
Finishing shoe and leather goods articles using chemicals of Sichuan Dowell (China).
At two tanneries, trials have been carried out in parallel on the finishing of shoe and leather goods ar-ticles. The following articles were tested: "Full grain nappa" and "Corrected grain nappa" in different colours, "Wax article with Pull-up effect", "Leather goods article with "Two-shade finishing", article "Seamo" on a design roll with the use of DOWELL chemicals (China)....


Visits to fur factories and wool treatment plants.
Visits were carried out at several fur factories and wool treatment plants. Within the framework of working meetings and negotiations, consultations were held on the use of chemicals from Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC, orders were received for samples of chemicals for extended trials for the article "Fur Lining", samples of fur skins were presented using fat liquors "SMH-11" and "SMH-12", articles "Double Face" and "CRACK", using chemicals from the company Dowell. Plans for cooperation and terms of technological visits for 2024 have been fixed.....
Technological trials of shoe articles.
The tannery has tested shoe articles according to the recipe 1.51 using a combination of mimosas for the article "Full Grain Nappa", "Corrected Grain Nappa with milling", according to the recipe 1.40.2 for the article "Shoe Crust" using chemicals from Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC, according to the recipe for the article "Shoe Floater” using chemicals of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC.....
Technological trials of Dowell chemicals.
Technological trials of Dowell chemicals were carried out at a tannery. The following articles were made in the experimental shop:....
Technological visit with DOWELL specialists.
A joint technological visit with DOWELL specialists took place at one of the tanneries. A presentation was made to the tannery's managers and technicians, within the framework of which the following were presented: Sichuan Dowell Company, its production that meets international standards and international environmental requirements, its achievements in the market, as well as a range of chemicals for both finishing and wet processes.....
Testing recipes of white crusts using chemicals from Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC.
In the conditions of the experimental shop of the tannery, recipes of white crusts have been tested using chemicals from Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC. The crusts in the thickness of 1.2-1.3 mm are intended for the article "Nappa", and in the thickness of 1.4-1.5 mm for the "Embossed and milled article". Chemicals with good light resistance were used in the recipes –light-resistant fat liquors: "SMH-480A", "SMH-470A", "SMH-473A"; sintans for white leathers: "Evrosintan BF/0", "Evrosintan BF/10", "Evrosintan BF/4".The crusts are evaluated positively.....
Technological trials of Dowell chemicals.
Dowell chemicals have been tested at the tannery. In the conditions of the experimental shop, the ar-ticles were tested: "Full Grain Nappa", "Corrected Grain Nappa" in black colour, "Corrected Grain Floater" in white colour, wax articles "Pull-up", "Corrected Grain article with impregnation".....
Testing of fat liquors "SMH-11" and "SMH-12" in fatliquoring dyed fur lining.
 At the fur factory, the fat liquors "SMH-11" and "SMH-12" were tested in fatliquoring dyed fur lining in comparison with counterparts of a foreign company.....
Testing the article with embossing for work shoes using chemicals from Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC.
The article with embossing for work shoes has been tested using chemicals from Shebekinskaya indu-strialnaya khimiya, LLC: pre-ground "Ecofiller", compound "UK-31", pigment concentrate PC T. 2005. All physical and mechanical parameters of the leather comply with the standards of technical docu-mentation.....
47th International Trade Fair for Wholesale of Light Industry Goods "BTI-2023", Minsk, Belarus.
From October 25 to 27, 2023 in Minsk (Belarus) The 47th International Trade Fair for the wholesale of light industry goods "BTI-2023" was held. The exhibition was organized by the National Exhibition Center "BELEXPO" of the Office of the President of the Republic of Belarus with the support of the State Concern "Bellegprom". ....
Testing a recipe of crust with the new universal fat liquor "SMH-65".
The company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC has proposed a new universal fat liquor "SMH-65" - an effective product for the production of filled, soft, light leathers with a pleasant silky touch - in the tannery recipe for the article "Crust". Due to the complete softening of the fibers, the leathers obtained using the fat liquor "SMH-65" have uniform milling in the drum. The product enhances the intensity of colour, has no negative effect on buffing of suede and fur sheepskins, creating rich and bright hair.The obtained crust article was positively evaluated by the tannery's technicians, and extended trials are planned.....

309290, Shebekino town, Belgorod region, Rzhevskoye shosse str., 16, Floor 3,
tel.: +7(47248)3-18-10