“Shebekinskaya kozhevennaya khimiya” Ltd., is making TRAILS of PRODUCTS and TECHNOLOGIES of CROMOGENIA-UNITS
After training of the specialists of “Shebekinskaya kozhevennaya khimiya” Ltd., in the laboratory of CROMOGENIA-TURK, Turkey some presentations of CRUTS and NAPPAS, produced there, were made for leading Russian tanneries. Also new materials and technologies of CROMOGENIA-UNITS were represented.
During the negotiations with the partners, they have come to decision to make experimental trails and some production lots at such tanneries as ZAO “Kozhaline”, ZAO “Khromtan”, ZAO “Bokoz”, OAO “BZKhK” (Bogorodsk), OAO “Spassk tannery”, “P/F “Raskom””, Ltd. (Rasskazovo, Tambov region). It was agreed to produce the following articles:
- Waterproofing CRUST “MONTREAL”
- Waterproofing CRUST “UMBRELLA”
In these formulations chemical products of CROMOGENIA-UNITS were used:
Fat liquor – Fosfol C 6B and polymeric product for waterproofing articles – Repelan PSH-171. Now the given products are essential for the production and showed their high efficiency during the trails.