
Testing the product “Fermentol 23”.
The company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC has tested the product "Fermentol 23" with a positive result. “Fermentol 23” is a complex product for soaking and degreasing. The product provides uniform watering, is an excellent dispersing agent of fats and impurities. The enzyme component cleaves the fiber-to-fiber proteins, helps to increase the area and ensures high quality of the leather tissue. An order was received for the production batch of the fur lining article with the use of the product "Fermentol 23"....
Testing a new product “Fermentol FK”.
At the fur factory, specialists of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC have tested a new product “Fermentol FK” in pickling fur sheepskin. “Fermentol FK”— acid protease for fur. It is used in an acidic environment to soften fur skins. It gently loosens the skin structure, makes it softer and fuller, improves elasticity, which contributes to better penetration of tanning agents and promotes more uni-form colouring. The test result is positive, and extended trials are planned for the nearest future....

Technological trials of ShKKh, Ltd. new products at the Bogodukhov tannery


New technological trials were held by ShKKh, Ltd. leading technicians together with the technician of Cromogenia-Units, S.A. Mr. Abelard Jorba on the base of the Bogodukhov tannery, private enterprise Helkom. The aim of the program was to enlarge assortment of produced leathers by receiving a large range of colour, white and light leathers. Before the tannery specialized only in producing black and dark leathers and made a large assortment of buffed, grain with milling and without milling leathers, shoe split, suede split, lining leathers. Due to the work done original recipes of receiving light, white and colour leathers were introduced and used and received new leather articles: white nappa, floater, white and beige crust. The most up-to-date products produced by Shebekinskaya kozhevennaya khimiya, Ltd. and Cromogenia-Units, S.A. (Spain), such as: Retanal BH-10, Retanal BW, Retanal DC, Retanal CP-2, Retanal XD, were used during the trials. Besides this Helkom technicians mastered successfully the Shebekinskaya kozhevennaya khimiya, Ltd. recipe of receiving colour suede split with the use of the products: SMKh-470, a filling agent MP-1, Ekodisp and Eurosyntan FA. The trials had good results, the aims and tasks put by were achieved.

309290, Shebekino town, Belgorod region, Rzhevskoye shosse str., 16, Floor 3,
tel.: +7(47248)3-18-10