New technical trials were made by leading technicians of Shebekinskaya kozhevennaya khimiya, Ltd. together with the technician of PielColor, S.L.U. Mr. Jose Luis Peralvarez at the tanneries Russkaya kozha (Ryazan) and Bokoz (Bogorodsk). The aim of this program of the technical trials was to receive leathers of original finishing with high quality feel got from low grade raw hide. To obtain this goal a complex of chemicals was used including: new compact CP-2844, coating feel AT-7605, new wax WB-0443 for wax finishing and a number of another new materials. The trials had excellent results. Obtained line of nappas from the low grade raw hide has high characteristics of physical-mechanic properties (indicators of rubbing, bend and adhesion), and also the original finishing.