
Testing a soaking-liming-tanning recipe with the use of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC chemicals.
The trials of the a soaking-liming-tanning recipe were carried out using chemicals from Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC: SN-OV, SN-SPK, Vega PS, Vega RLE. The result of the work was positively assessed. Orders of the chemicals and their delivery are planned....
Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC at the international exhibition-forum "BIOT2024", Moscow.
Today is the last day of the 28th International Exhibition and Forum "Occupational Safety and Health—2024" (BIOT). The event is taking place at the Crocus Expo Central Exhibition Complex from December 10 to December 13, 2024 and is the most important event for everyone working in the field of occupational safety. This year, the forum brought together representatives from 13 countries (Russia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, India, Pakistan, China, France, Italy, Belgium, Denmark), 80+regions of the Russian Federation and the most representative participants from senior officials, professional and public unions, heads of leading manufacturers, suppliers and distributors of personal protective equipment, companies specializing in occupational safety, industrial safety, occupational medicine, domestic and foreign experts, and journalists....

Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia) on the exhibition “Mosshoes 2021”, Moscow.


      On March 16-19, 2021 the 84th International Specialized Exhibition of Footwear, Bags, Accessories, Leather and Components - "MOSSHOES 2021" - was held in Moscow at the “Gostiny Dvor” Exhibition Centre. About fifty exhibitors from the Customs Union countries, China, Italy, Turkey, Uzbekistan, etc. took part in the exhibition, and over 8,500 visitors visited the exhibition.

       As one of the largest B2B exhibitions in the light industry market in Russia, Mosshoes serves as a kind of indicator of the current state of the market in this industry and the prospects for its development. Express information about current footwear and leather goods trends in various price segments, obtained at the exhibition, is important for all market participants. The business program of the 84th exhibition "MOSSHOES 2021" within the framework of the Leather and Footwear Business Forum held for the first time, covered the most relevant topics, with speakers from leading market experts and touched upon topical issues of legislative initiatives in the industry, effective tools for working in retail for small and medium-sized businesses, as well as master classes of various directions.

       Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia) took an active part in the exhibition, preparing and presenting to its partners new developments of chemicals, modern up-to-date recipes, as well as ready-made leather articles using chemicals of the following companies: Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia); Pielcolor, S.L.U. (Spain) and Cromogenia-Units S.A. (Spain). Namely:

  • updated list of chemicals – 2021 for production of leather and fur from Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC, among them - new developments of anti-wrinkle agents: Vega RLT, RLM, RLE, enzyme agent for soaking "Fermentol 23"; new fat liquors of brands SMH 480, SMH 477, SMH 479; new colours of dyes for drum dyeing of leather; new shades of pigment concentrates and their mixes 2021\2022, as well as new finishing agents;
  • the most modern developments of recipes of actual articles, in particular - the recipes of soaking-liming-tanning processes from Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC; the recipes of the article "Floater" with natural milling and "Nappa" with milling from Cromogenia-Units S.A.(Spain); the recipes of articles of increased thickness for shoe upper using a combination of vegetable tanning agents Mimosa RG, Mimosa CR, Mimtan AT1; the recipe of articles "Nappa K" using chemicals of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC in crust with and without milling; recipes of articles with finishing "Full grain floater", "Corrected grain floater", "Full grain nappa", "Corrected grain nappa", as well as aniline and semi-aniline finishes of saddlery and belt articles using materials of the company Pielcolor, S.L.U. (Spain);
  • at the exhibition the specialists of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia) presented the new Trend book "Fashion trends. Spring-Summer 2022" of the partner company Pielcolor, S.L.U. (Spain) and technological consultations on all current topical issues were held.

     Within the framework of the exhibition working meetings were also held with partners of Khrom, Russkaya kozha, Ostashkov, Rybinsk, Spassk, Bobruisk, Minsk, Serpukhov, Vyazma, Bryansk tanneries, Belwest and others. The partners were shown the competitive advantages of the obtained leather articles: crust, "Nappa K" with and without milling - fullness and elasticity, medium grain when milling; Nappa full and corrected grain on crusts "Nappa K" - appearance, deep black colour, uniform milling, pleasant touch; "Floater full and corrected grain with emboss" - uniform grain when milling, good touch. Great interest was aroused by the article "Floater with natural milling", presented by Cromogenia-Units S. A. (Spain). The article was interesting to the customers due to light weight, fullness, and uniformity of natural milling.

      Following the results of the work at the MOSSHOES 2021 exhibition, the directions of further cooperation with all partners were determined; programs and terms of technological visits in 2021/22 were developed.


Booth of the company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (Russia) at the exhibition "MOSSHOES-2021",

Moscow, March 2021.

309290, Shebekino town, Belgorod region, Rzhevskoye shosse str., 16, Floor 3,
tel.: +7(47248)3-18-10