
Testing the product “Fermentol 23”.
The company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC has tested the product "Fermentol 23" with a positive result. “Fermentol 23” is a complex product for soaking and degreasing. The product provides uniform watering, is an excellent dispersing agent of fats and impurities. The enzyme component cleaves the fiber-to-fiber proteins, helps to increase the area and ensures high quality of the leather tissue. An order was received for the production batch of the fur lining article with the use of the product "Fermentol 23"....
Testing a new product “Fermentol FK”.
At the fur factory, specialists of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC have tested a new product “Fermentol FK” in pickling fur sheepskin. “Fermentol FK”— acid protease for fur. It is used in an acidic environment to soften fur skins. It gently loosens the skin structure, makes it softer and fuller, improves elasticity, which contributes to better penetration of tanning agents and promotes more uni-form colouring. The test result is positive, and extended trials are planned for the nearest future....

Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC on the annual conference “Time to export”.


    The annual conference “Time to export” took place in the conference hall “Mercury” of the congress hall “RiveraSpace” in village Razumnoye, Belgorod region on September 30, 2020. The conference was organized by the Department of economic development of Belgorod region together with the Export Support Center. During the conference, representatives of government agencies, development institutions, business and industry associations, as well as business representatives met on one platform. The specialists of Shebekinskaya Industrialnaya khimiya, LLC took an active part in the conference. Financial and guarantee methods of export support, specifics of working with China, methods of product promotion on electronic trading platforms, and other topical issues were discussed in detail on the conference. 

         The main blocks of the conference were:

  1. Plenary session "Current tools for export support and development. Export in a pandemic" with representatives of federal and regional authorities and development institutions. S.A.Maylatov – head of “REC” devision in Belgorod - was a moderator.
  2. Practical block:
    • master-class on financial and guarantee support for exports;
    • speed-session with REC representatives: Belarus (V. Doronkevich), Uzbekistan (D. Prokhorenko), India (T.Vakilov), and Azerbaijan(N.Guliev);
    • master-class “Export marketing”;
    • master-class "Export of products to China. Promotion of products by means of the marketplace on the basis of WeChat”;
    • master-class "Export by means of electronic commerce. Selection of an electronic platform, features of work, product promotion".


The work of the specialists of Shebekinskaya Industrialnaya khimiya, LLC

at the conference "Time to export",

RiveraSpace Congress hall, Belgorod region, September 2020

309290, Shebekino town, Belgorod region, Rzhevskoye shosse str., 16, Floor 3,
tel.: +7(47248)3-18-10