
The 16th International Exhibition "UzLeatherGoodsExpo-EURASIA2024", Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
On May 21, 2024, the opening of the 16th International Exhibition “UzLeatherGoodsExpo-EURASIA2024” took place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. This specialized exhibition is considered one of the largest exhibitions in Central Asia in the field of leather, footwear and fur industry, which not only introduces the production potential of all regions of Uzbekistan, but also represents an effective dialogue platform for B2B and G2B negotiations and for industry specialists from different countries: Russia, Belarus, Italy, Germany, India, Turkey, Spain, Iran, etc., providing an opportunity to get acquainted with the potential of companies, the range of products and innovations in the industry....
Training of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC technicians and a technician of the Byelorussian tannery in the company Sichuan Dowell, China.
In April 2024, a training was held for Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC technicians and a technician of the Byelorussian tannery at Sichuan Dowell, China.During the training, issues and tasks on chemicals for dyeing-fatliquoring processes were discussed; adjustments were made to the crust recipes to obtain the necessary requirements for the article. During the training, new products were studied for finishing the “Pull-up” article, the article for polishing in shoes....

Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC at the International scientific and practical conference, Tashkent, (Uzbekistan).


     On September 21-23, 2021 at the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Tashkent, (Uzbekistan) and online (ZOOM) The International scientific and practical conference "The role of higher educational institutions in the innovative development of the leather, shoe and fur industries: problems, analysis and solutions" was held within the framework of the project "Strengthening the potential of universities of Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan in the field of leather and leather products production" - REILEAP under the ERASMUS+ program.

     The objectives of the conference were: raising the status of higher educational institutions in the field of leather and footwear, fur, textile, clothing and printing industries of light industry, stimulating the integration of higher educational institutions with production.

     The main objectives of the conference were:

  • discussion of topical issues and implementation practices, generalization and dissemination of the experience of innovative activities of universities;
  • formation of an information space for effective interaction between universities and industrial enterprises;
  • promoting the development of creative potential, creating organizational conditions for innovation, research and project activities, for the manifestation of initiative, scientific and methodological interests;
  • development of scientific potential of students, undergraduates, postgraduates and young scientists.

     The work of the conference was segmented into four sections:

Section 1: Creative approach to the design of leather and fur products;

Section 2: Improving the competitiveness of the economy in the context of globalization, prospects for the development of small business and private entrepreneurship;

Section 3: Innovative technologies in the textile and light industry;

Section 4: Problems and solutions of higher education in the process of integration of science, education and production.

     The conference heard reports from representatives of Greece, Romania, Turkey, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and others. The reports were in the framework of the program "The REILEAP Project". The REILEAP project is aimed at filling gaps in the field of specialized services for the leather sector with the creation of tanneries in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. The project is also aimed at creating and maintaining cooperation links between universities and enterprises of the leather sector, which will promote innovation and production of high-quality products with high added value, as well as further cooperation between Universities of the EU, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan and educational institutions and interested parties of the leather field. As part of the online broadcast, a report of Professor D.V. Shalbuev "VSGUTU", (Russia) was heard: "East Siberian State University of Technology and Management" - training of students for the leather industry of the Russian Federation".

     Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC took an active part in the conference online via ZOOM, presenting some articles to the conference:

- article on the topic: "The range of products for leather finishing offered by Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC (the authors of the article: Bedenko V.G., Zulin B.D., Bakulin L.A., Morgunova T.V., Moiseeva L.A.)

- article and report on the topic: "Research of dyeing-fatliquoring processes in ostrich processing technology using chemical materials of ShIKh company" (authors of the article: Ismatullaev I. N., Ulugmuratov Zh. F., Begaliev H. H., Bedenko V.G., Zulin B.D., Bakulin L.A.). Colleagues of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC and co-authors made a report of this article at the conference.

309290, Shebekino town, Belgorod region, Rzhevskoye shosse str., 16, Floor 3,
tel.: +7(47248)3-18-10