
Technological trials of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC on testing finishing recipes with the use of “Dowell” chemicals (China).
The company Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC has tested finishing recipes of articles "Full and corrected grain Nappa", "Garment crust" and "Belt crust" using Dowell chemicals(China). All articles are positively evaluated. An order has been made for chemicals for industrial use in production....
Technological trials of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC on testing dyeing-fatliquoring recipes.
The specialists of Shebekinskaya industrialnaya khimiya, LLC have conducted a technological visit to the tannery in order to test dyeing-fatliquoring recipes. Recipes of obtaining the following articles have been tested: Shoe Nappa", "Garment leather", "Split" using chemicals from Shebekinskaya industrialnayakhimiya, LLC (Russia) and Dowell (China): 1. Nappa is obtained using a combination of acrylates: "Dowelltan RS-16" and "Dowelltan RE-17"....

Implementation of a program to expand business contacts with Central Asian tanneries.


        As part of the program to expand business contacts in Central Asia, the specialists of Shebekinskaya  industrialnaya khimiya, LLC have held negotiations and established commercial ties with a number of tanneries in Central Asia. The partners were offered the entire range of chemicals of the company Shebekinskaya  industrialnaya khimiya, LLC  for soaking-liming-tanning  processes, dyeing-fatliquoring  processes and finishing. During the negotiations and presentations of the chemicals and recipes, special attention of the partners was focused on "the sales leaders":

  • «SN-SPK\2» - a general-purpose, highly effective washing and degreasing agent;
  • «Fermentol 23» - a complex enzyme agent for soaking, providing uniform watering and alkalinity distribution;
  • «Fermentol RSTP» - a protease-based bating agent for hides, skins and fur skins;
  • «Vega PS» - a universal agent for preventing liming wrinkles, anti-wrinkle agent;
  • «Ekomin-5» - a synthetic filling retanning agent;
  • Fat liquors, including the new product "SMH-400" - an electrolyte-stable fat liquor with excellent penetrating ability, which has a good ability to soften and lubricate leather fibers, high light resistance and resistance to oxidation;
  • Dyes, vegetable tanning agents, finishing chemicals, etc.

Orders for the products have been received, and a number of technological visits are scheduled in September-October 2024.

309290, Shebekino town, Belgorod region, Rzhevskoye shosse str., 16, Floor 3,
tel.: +7(47248)3-18-10